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  • Definition
    • for n x m square matrix det(A)
  • Some important properties of det(A)
  1. $A^{-1}$ exists iff det(A) $\neq$ 0

역행렬은 determinant A가 0이 아닐 때 존재한다.

  1. det(A) equals volume of a box in $R^n$

det(A)는 그 공간의 부피를 뜻한다. 예를 들면,


  1. det A = $\pm$ (product of pivots)
  1. Cramer’s Rule


간단히 말해, $A_i$의 column vector를 b로 대체할 수 있다는 뜻이다.

3 Basic Properties

  1. det I = 1
  2. det A change the sign when two rows are interchanged (홀수번 : 반대, 짝수번 : 그대로)


  1. det A depands linearly on the first row


  1. If two rows are equal, row exchange of the same two rows

즉, determinant 값은 같아야하고 부호는 반대가되야 하므로 det = 0.

  1. Row operations do not change the determinant. In G.E, subtracting a multiple of one row from another row


  1. If A has a zero-rows, det A = 0
  2. If A is triangular, det A is product of diagonal entries


  1. Singular $\rightarrow$ det A = 0 $\rightarrow$ $A^{-1}$(x)

​ Non-singular $\rightarrow$ det A $\neq$ 0 $\rightarrow$ $A^{-1}$(o)

  1. image-20220329005542672

  2. det $A^T$ = det A
